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Key Principles of Our Approach
  • Child-Centred Learning - We view children as active participants in their own learning. Our curriculum is responsive to their interests, allowing them to explore and investigate topics that intrigue them.

  • The Prepared Environment - We create carefully designed learning environments that are beautiful, stimulating, and accessible to children. These spaces are thoughtfully arranged to encourage independence and exploration.

  • Project-Based Learning - Our curriculum is inquiry-driven, inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach. Children engage in long-term projects that allow them to delve deep into subjects they are passionate about, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Documentation and Reflection - We believe in the power of documentation to make learning visible. Through photographs, artwork, and written observations, we capture the journey of each child's learning and encourage reflection, a core principle of Reggio Emilia.

  • Freedom Within Limits - Children are given the freedom to choose their activities, explore materials, and work at their own pace.

  • Nature and Sustainability - We emphasise a strong connection to nature and promote environmental consciousness. Children have opportunities to explore the natural world, and we strive to teach them the importance of sustainability and care for the environment.

  • Collaboration and Community - Our nursery is a community of learners, where collaboration between children, parents, and educators is encouraged. We value open communication and partnerships with families to support each child's development.


At The Wondergarden our child-centred learning approach combined with the magical outdoor environment here, make a profound difference to your child's learning experience. 



 Book a visit to The Wondergarden at a time that best suits you and learn about the forest school approach to education, where your child will be supported by qualified and passionate forest school leaders and teachers.

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